nothing on.

2007Archie’s patience with reality tv
worn thin
thinner than ancient, ass-stretched upholstery
gave up on it all
hoisting and heavy breath’d
he rose
jumpstarting atrophic muscles
with the realization of years wasted
(and with no gun in sight to ‘Elvis’ the damned thing)
he bearhug carried it to the curb
blue-storm cussing himself with every slipper’d step
...he returned for it’s partner
“D’ey work as a team, d’ese two!"
he swiped an exhausted, spiteful hand
"No more... ahh!”
he folded and clasped his knees for dear life
a moment
a breath
a moment and a birdsong
a moment
with breath barely caught and eyes stung white by the sun he walked
slipper-footed and faint
towards nowhere in particular
stopping from time to time to admire cracks in the sidewalk and wondered where all the commentary was.
Kreddible Trout - 2007
*click HERE to go back to 'Stories', click HERE to 2007.
worn thin
thinner than ancient, ass-stretched upholstery
gave up on it all
hoisting and heavy breath’d
he rose
jumpstarting atrophic muscles
with the realization of years wasted
(and with no gun in sight to ‘Elvis’ the damned thing)
he bearhug carried it to the curb
blue-storm cussing himself with every slipper’d step
...he returned for it’s partner
“D’ey work as a team, d’ese two!"
he swiped an exhausted, spiteful hand
"No more... ahh!”
he folded and clasped his knees for dear life
a moment
a breath
a moment and a birdsong
a moment
with breath barely caught and eyes stung white by the sun he walked
slipper-footed and faint
towards nowhere in particular
stopping from time to time to admire cracks in the sidewalk and wondered where all the commentary was.
Kreddible Trout - 2007
*click HERE to go back to 'Stories', click HERE to 2007.